Medical Abortion Risks
Also known as a “medical” abortion, the abortion pill can be used up to 7 weeks from LMP. (This is NOT Emergency Contraception/Plan B/Morning After Pill.)
Possible complications of medical abortion include incomplete abortion, allergic reaction to the medications, painful cramping, nausea and/or vomiting, diarrhea, infection, and more.
Surgical Abortion Risks
With a D&C surgical abortion, conscious sedation and/or general anesthesia are also commonly used. The opening of the cervix is gradually stretched with a series of dilators. The thickest dilator used is about the width of a fountain pen. A spoon-like instrument (curette) is used to scrape the walls of the uterus to remove the baby, placenta, and membranes.
With a D&E surgical abortion, the cervix is dilated and medications may be given to ease pain and prevent infection. After a local or general anesthesia has been administered, the pregnancy and placenta are removed from the uterus with medical instruments such as forceps and suction curettage.
Since both surgical abortions are similar, they come with similar risks including incomplete abortion requiring vacuum aspiration, pelvic infection, heavy bleeding, torn cervix, perforated uterus, and more.
Learn more on our abortion page.